Sunday, April 28, 2013

Baby Chicks in The Family Room

These little chicks now reside in my family room.
Another year with baby chicks in my family room.

When we don't have baby chicks it seems such an odd thing to allow in my family room. Chickens!
But when the season arrives and the chicks are small it seems so normal to have them in my family room!

I love the grandchildren who love the baby chicks.
I love my fresh chicken eggs when the chickens grow enough to start laying.
I love how cute these little peeps are.  I love their fluff, their varied colors, their little beck's and feet.

So you see these little chicks in my family seem like such a normal thing.
I do remember this smell.... from the last time I had baby chicks in my family room!!!

So Many Choices

Elsie was checking out a chick to see if this was one she wanted to choose.
They were patient clerks.

Grandpa loves having the Grandkids go to the feed store and pick out new baby chicks.
There are so many choices.
The chicks are labeled with signs outside their cages.  The labels give information
about the breed of chicken:  
quiet & docile.
shy & gentle.
can be aggressive...etc.

They also provide info. about their laying habits:
Lays 3 times a week,
or 3-4 eggs a week.

light brown eggs.
bluish green eggs.
brown eggs with spots.
large white eggs
blue eggs
So you see the decision just get harder and harder.

Once the decisons are made, the clerk catches the chick and puts it in a box. They like to put several in one box so that they can keep each other warm.
We had a box with 2 chicks.
a box with 6 chicks
and 2 boxes with 4 chicks.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Chicks on a Box

Each of the Grandkids but Bennett and Ryan chose 2 new baby chicks each!

Granna's heartbeats & Heartthrobs


Party in the Park

We enjoyed a gathering in the park after the graduation ceremony yesterday.  Nate and Becky hosted. It was great fun.

I had no idea the equipment that you take to the park with you!!

We had all our kids and grandkids and the Morris' (Becky's parents) who flew in from Oregon for the graduation ( how cool is that, to have your kids in-laws be that supportive!!) Camille and Bryce, Becky's sister and brother in law.

It was so much fun!!
Thanks to everyone!
We were there enjoying ourselves for hours!

Nate Got HIs Masters

I can see Nate in this crowd. See the isle; on the right side of the isle, 3 rows up on the isle seat sits Nate!

Nate got his MBA from Brigham Young University yesterday!
What a great day for Becky and him and their little family. It seems like yesterday that they left the business world to start further education.  (You may not get the same response from them!)
Becky mentioned it was 10 years ago that she received her Masters!
Russ mentioned it was 32 years ago that he got his MBA from BYU!!

This cute little family will leave for a job in Seattle in June.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Working Machine

The yard is blooming.  The season of warmth in front of us.  My yard is renewing itself.

Russ becomes a working machine, as he tries to prune, trim, pull out, dig up, replant, refresh, and bring to life our backyard.

I love this Working Machine!!!
My little 6 month old Grandson was referred to as a rolling machine lately.

His Grandpa certainly can be called a working machine!!!!!

I love the evidence around our home of him being out in the yard.....

I treasure the finds he brings inside to bring new life inside too! very refreshing to me!!!