Thursday, May 30, 2013


I see a huge resemblance to each other...
It will be fun to see how much these two brothers continue to look alike! One blue eyed, one hazel eyed.

School Tour

Abby gave me a tour of her classroom at her school today.
Abby's last day of school was yesterday.
But we were there for Kate's program and I got a tour...

Abby and Carson very interested in the reading numbers of each school class.
Abby is pointing to her class's numbers.
Carson is following...


Look who stopped in on their way to Boise today!!!
We filled Bennett and Ryan's hands with snacks for the trip!!!

Be safe!!


I got this package at Costco the other day...
4 Clematis Bloom starts...
3 were healthy...

I got this package at Sams the other day...
10 Hollyhock starts...
5 were healthy...

I am trying to decide does one take back plant starts...

I have planted the healthy ones already....

Other Puppets

These puppets were so amazing that this second grade class made!!!
It was evident that everyone was very proud of their puppets!!!
And rightly so!!!

Amazing job!!!

Kate's Puppet Show

Kate's class made paper mache' puppets...
They had their puppet show today.
I was able to go down and see it, it was so much fun to watch!!

Kate's puppet is Paisley the Parrot.
Paisley did such a fine job in her puppet show!!!

Thanks for letting me come. Paisley was so cute!!

Tall, tall Lilly

This tall lilly was given to me by H&C.
They gave me five of these tall bulbs last year.  I have 3 of those bulbs growing in my 
flower garden this year.

Look how tall....
Another bloom I am watching for!!!!

This plant is the tallest of the 3 growing, it is going to be magnificent.

In Bloom

I have been waiting for this poppy to bloom...
Look what I saw this morning....

It is such a beautiful treat for the day!!!
Well worth waiting for...
I have 5 poppy blooms on this plant, each one will bring so much cheer, they never seem to bloom
at the same time, so we are graced with these beautiful blooms for 
a long time...

I love it!!!!

Monday, May 27, 2013