Sunday, March 30, 2014

Winter Shows up Again

Winter showed up again this afternoon.

The only good thing was we were graced with a lovely sunset tonight!!!!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Boxed Sets

New in my shop

My Day in SLC Today

My two boys not feeling the best today.
Carson is eating an apple with his chicken also eating his apple!!!
Thomas just chilling.

Our Chickens.  Today we played with chickens, our animal of Carson's choice today.

Abby arrives home with energy form her school day.  Early out today, beginning of Spring break!

Soon Abby is chilling like the rest.

Gotta love that T!!!

Kate refused any photos of her today!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Visiting the Brown's Elementary School

Elsie just dropped off to her class.

I stopped by the elementary school, to see Connor's Animal Fair, early this morning on my way to tend  R&L's kids in SLC.
I arrived at the school at the same time as Heidi, Elsie and Willem.  I got to watch Elsie go into her class this morning.  See her in the pink boots...

Connor getting his display ready.  Mom (Heidi) helping him.

Dropping in feathers and owl pellets inside the owl box.
Those are owl pellets that have been dissected in the forefront on the plate. They had mouse bones in them that Connor had a magnifying glass to view them up close and personal...  
Look at that cute owl poking his head out of the hole, in the front of the box!!!! 

Connor showing his display to other students who came in his class to view the fair.
"Are they really mouse bones?!... cool!!" I heard the kids ask Connor.

Great job Connor! So proud of you and your good work!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Anna had a Birthday

Anna had a Birthday crown, a princess Birthday crown, compliments of Mabel's party...

We enjoyed a great meal together at a Thai Restaurant tonight.  R&L, H&C, R&C, Anna and Spencer... It was yummy.  A lot of fun!  Thanks for the Birthday so we could party!!!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Spring is in My Yard Today

Beautiful blue skies, and color, look at the color in my yard today!!!!!

Hooray for Spring!!!!!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

A Hike Up Adams Canyon with The Browns

We had a great hike up Adam's canyon with the Brown's this afternoon.

Mabel was choosing the day's activities and she chose the hike.
They invited us and we were happy to be in the beautiful outside with the Browns.

Fabulous Spring day.