Tuesday, November 6, 2012

New Grandson!

One of my life's greatest joys are my Grandchildren.
I had a new little grandson born yesterday.

I cannot express what I felt as I held this new little one.
Gratitude for a healthy and safe delivery.

Joy in seeing and holding a precious new bundle from heaven.
Pride in seeing the joy this little family has in the arrival of a new brother and sibling.
Gratitude for a daughter's love for her family.  Her willingness to have children.
Her love for her children and husband.
Gratitude for a son-in-law who equally loves his family.

Excitement for experiences soon to be had with this new family member. Incredible love for this new little one who has just joined us in our extended family.
He is a beauty!
He is a bundle of peace.
He is a miracle.
He is greatly loved.
He is my ninth grandchild.
He is a miracle and yes he is a miracle!

A taste of heaven, a close touch with heaven.
A heart throbber, a heart piercer, a heart filler with gratitude and love.
I love you little one.

Soon I may know your name. Soon I may be able to call you by name and think of you by name!
Right now you are in my heart as a bundle of peace and joy and beauty!!!!

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