Monday, December 17, 2012


This huge flag flying half mast against the grey sky,
appeared so dramatic to me today.

The flag is flying half mast for the victims in the shooting tragedy that took place in Connecticut
a day ago.

The 20 children that died as well as the 6-7 adults just has torn at my heart in a very poignant way.

I felt like the drama of this flag was also poignant to me.
Poignant in its literal size.
Poignant with the wind whipping through it today.
Poignant with the dark ominous clouds in the background.
Gloom is the only word I can think that fits the emotion
all this seems to stir in me.
Poignant sadness.
Almost a surreal sadness.

I don't live in a world like this, do I?

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