Saturday, May 31, 2014

Hannah and Adam's Day

What a lovely day we enjoyed with Steve and Karen's family.
We are so happy for Adam and Hannah!!
We love them both!!

We did have some rain at the reception.  My camera was out of battery at that time.
But the earlier part of the day is in photos here.

The rain came and went and came and went, it really just made for a fun memory with the covered balconies and gazebo we all had places of refuge during the rain.  I know the table cloths at that point were very wet, but aside from that I don't think the rain was impeded much.

A Day with My Buddies

It is always great to spend a day with these cute boys!!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Lovely Evening

Mom Packer greeting her youngest brother Ron.

We went down to an exclusive viewing of Dad Packer's bird display at the Monte L. Bean Museum.

The General Authorities and family were invited to a buffet dinner and viewing prior to it's opening on June 7 to the public.

We had a family photo taken prior to our meal.  It will be nice to have a current photo as it has been a couple of years since the last one taken.

In the one photo you can see an elephant tusk in the foreground of the photo.  We ate our meal in the room with a huge elephant in the middle.

It was a yummy meal.   And you can see a scrumptious dessert!!!

Kindergarten Program for Mabel Today

Mabel did a great job in her program today.  I would love to have Mabel as a student.  I can tell she is a very cooperative and attentive student!!!
We love you Mabel!!
We are proud of you Mabel!!!

We love Willie too!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Beautiful Spring Day and Evening

Russ worked in the yard the whole day.

I sat outside a couple of times today and this evening with Russ for a minute.

Look how lovely!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Movie Day

Since Oma and Opa have moved to SL, I have tried to go down once a week.
We usually go out to a matinee movie.
I have not previously been a real movie goer.  
But we have actually  had some good movies we have seen together.

For a nice change there have been a variety of good movies to see.

We saw Million Dollar Arm today.
It was very good.  I am now interested to look up and know more about Million Dollar Arm as it is a true story of 2 boys from India who were picked from India to play American Baseball.
With in 6(?) months of picking up a baseball for the first time they were on a major league team.
It was a very interesting, and entertaining movie.

Of course we must go to Cafe Rio before of after our movies and enjoy a good meal together.

We have seen:
Book Thief
Secret Life of Walter Middy
Saving Mr. Banks
A Netflix movie on Butterflies
Monuments Men
Heaven is Real

And now Million Dollar Arm.

It was a nice day.
We visited on their patio after the movie and our meal.

They seem to be doing well:)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Quilt For Anna

I sewed a quilt for Anna tonight, on my machine.

I love it!

It is King size and very fun light weight.
A very refreshing quilt.

My Last Few Days

Can you believe I get to enjoy such wonderful kids!!!
It was such a joy to me, to spend the last couple of days with these precious kids!!!

Russ and Liz thank you so much for letting me enjoy and spend time with your incredible kids!!!

They truly are the joys of my life!!!!