Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day Beauties

It was a lovely day yesterday.  It was Mother's Day.
I have had some amazing Mothers in my life and I am grateful for each one.

I have learned a lot about Mothering.
I hope to always have a "Mothering Heart"

I am grateful for my children who made it easy to be their Mother and a joy to be their Mother!!!!!
Thanks to my Daughters and who are wonderful Mother's to our Grandchildren!!!!
And who so graciously allow us to be part of their lives!!

PS  I can't imagine better news for a Mothers Day, our 12th grandchild will be born in November!!!

We were so delighted and surprised by this wonderful announcement made yesterday by Heidi and Cory!!!
Actually it was Mabel who announced their is a baby in her Mom's tummy!!!

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