Thursday, September 22, 2011

My Good Day

I was tending R&L's family today. 
It was a very different day than usual when I tend down there.

Kate was at school when I arrived. Abby was also at pre-school when I arrrived.
Carson was asleep for his morning nap.

So... I got out my yarn and crocheted for a couple of hours.  Carson woke up about 10 minutes before Abby was dropped off from her school.

It was much more like my tending days then. Within a few minutes of getting lunch ready it was time to go walk to get Kate from school.

H&C arrived and dropped off C&M&E.  Me and the kids all walked up to get Kate and Kate's friend Kennedy.  I was so sad I didn't get my camera before starting off for our walk. There were so many cute cute photos along our way.

We got back to R&L's and had a great day together.

My camera did not come out enough but there are a couple of photos. 

A good day for Granna!!!

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