Friday, November 4, 2011

The winds are a blowin...

Today is a fall turning to winter day.

The winds are a blowing.  That means the leaves are falling.  Which is all good because when they predict snow you don't want leaves on your trees.

I went outside to try to capture the blowing leaves and season changing.  I felt as ridiculous trying to photograph the falling leaves as I did trying to capture a photo of a dragonfly this summer.

I was successful capturing a dragonfly in my photos so I thought my luck with falling leaves would be as successful.  Not so!

But I did take a few photos and if you were to combine all of them you may get a feel for the weather outside today....

It is the perfect changing of the seasons day.  The temperatures are not too cold yet but the flying leaves, blowing wind, constant swirl around out side is a sure indication temps are going to drop along with the leaves.

I really will miss the fall which I think has truley been spectacular this year. But I am loving this cozy feeling I feel coming on with this change of weather.  It is almost like the pace of things is slowing down and becoming more simplified.  We soon will only have now and then yard work to do.( as if I did much yard work this year) But there is a snuggling in feeling today.

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