Wednesday, February 15, 2012

New Tote

I was in need of a new tote.
I found this lightweight one at TJ Maxx a couple of days ago.

It is made of recycled plastic bottles.  It is lightweight with very fun colors and patterns.
I have used it for two days now and am completely sold on it. It is the perfect size for my needs. It is sooo light weight with all I need to keep in it the weight is still on the light side.  The fabric has a little crinkle sound I was not sure I would be able to like. I don't even notice it now that the bags serves me so well.

Great find.. I love it when a purchase meets my need so well!!! Enough to celebrate about!!!!

Okay okay... I am celebrating with a new purse... how fun is that!
Finding a new purse that meets your needs, especially price needs is difficult, along with compartment needs, size needs, style needs & tastes.....

It is easy to understand finding a new purse is difficult. So when my tote worked out so well. I decided to try a purse by the same company.. I celebrated my new tote by buying a new purse!!!!

And how fun is that. It has colors that cheer. Compartments that meet needs, fun colors,  size that is perfect and a lightness in weight that is a novel  for me.  It is stuffed with all my needed items it is just so lightweight in its construction that it is even fun to carry!!!

Cheers for a longlasting new purse and tote!!!

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