Thursday, July 5, 2012


We celebrated the 4th of July with Packer's.
We had our annual reunion.  It was held over at Dave & Sue's home.  They are very gracious to hold it at their home on the years we are not up at the Heber Camp.

Russ & I & our family were the chairs this year.  All the work created a successful day.  All our kids pitched in like troopers.  I can't even express how they had our backs the whole way!!  Thanks thanks thanks Guys!!

The day began with a sign-in.

Kate & Donna stayed and helped with this like they had been assigned to help, but they were volunteers!!!! We learn early in the Packer family to pitch in & help!

The little ones were all given a medallion and a flag to carry in the parade.
Let the parade begin!!!

We were all able to say the pledge of allegiance together holding our flags.  Saying the pledge of allegiance together outside is a real touching thing to me.  I will always remember the feelings I had.

236 Years of Independence!!!!!

Every parade needs a good cheering section!

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