Thursday, August 8, 2013

Sewing Project

Kate & Abby & Mabel worked on a new sewing project today.
I have been teaching sewing this summer.
They will learn how to sew on a button, hand stitch, tie knots in thread, and I am sure other skills as we complete this project.

Thus far today we cut out our shapes & glued the fabrics together.  With the fabrics fused the sewing should be easier...

They decided they would like to make these into tote bags when they are finished hand stitching them.

I cannot tell you how pleased I was that when I realized I did not have the pattern to make these with the kits, I was disappointed today. But Kate quickly says, we don't need the pattern, we can just make our own patterns, they don't have to be the same.

I was so proud of Kate at that moment!!

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