Thursday, June 5, 2014

Visiting with Our Seattle Family

I am amazed at technology right now, I was just having FaceTime with Nate & Becky's family,
there were such cute things going on, I mentioned I wish I could take pictures of them.  Nate said you can take photos of what you see on the screen!!!  He told me how and voila'  I have my visit with them recorded.   I was using my I Pad Mini and I am not sure that it takes the best photos, I think my phone takes better photos.   But I cannot complain about most of these photos I took!!!

And the photos make my visit last even longer than the call.
I am just amazed at our possibility with our technology right now!!!!!

Look at this, there is a real family resemblance in these two!!!!
I wish it was more in focus.

Eliza is getting ready for her first real food.  Rice cereal here we come!!!
You have to love the Bumbo seat!!!  Becky hooked a tray on the seat and they were ready!!!

She is a champ at this...  she loved it!!!

When she was done she wanted more!!! Nate put in his finger in her mouth to settle her!!!

Bennett proudly displaying his shirt he made in pre-school!!!

How cute is this family!!!!!!!!!!

What a great visit.  I got to see Eliza's first meal... and have photos of my visit.
I couldn't be happier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks guys!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got to join us for Eliza's big day! The kids LOVE grandma!!!
