Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Snake Saga Continues

We all gathered for Grandpa's pumpkin patch last night.
We had a great time.
I will blog on that gathering tomorrow.

During our gathering Becky heard Bennett in the distance crying. Thank goodness for a Mom's hearing her child above all else! We were all gathered upstairs.

Bennett had ventured downstairs unknowingly.
Becky tuned in to Bennett's voice and ran to find him when she heard him crying.

She found Bennett downstairs. He was sitting at the bottom of the stairs. He had his feet stuck to the snake traps Russ had put out at the stair bottom as it was a couple of days ago remember we had a snake on our stairs.( That blog got erased by Heidi it was so disturbing.)

I don't mean to be insensitive to Bennett but I have never laughed so hard!!
To see him so stuck to those traps was halarious!! Seriously we laughed so hard poor Bennett and the other kids didn't know what to think!!!

I find myself laughing again just at posting the photos.

Russ and I laughed that night in bed about the episode till we hurt all over from laughing so hard!!!!

It was touching how concerned all the kids were to Bennett's situation.

Trying to get the goo off was quite the process!!!!!
Becky I hope it was able to come out of his clothes!

Now I for one, hope that is the last episode in our snake saga. It is nice to have that saga end on a funny note!!!

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