Saturday, May 5, 2012

This Cute Little Boy

This cute little boy, Bennett delighted me all week long.  He had some really cute comments all week!
I am going to try to remember them to share with you.

Some cute comments:
We were drawing pictures he wanted me to write my name on my picture, he says " is that you morning name or your nighttime name?!!" How cute is that?!!

He wanted to be an animal and he chose a snake, he got down on the floor to be a snake, he had me get down on the floor to be a snake, he wanted us to slither... after an attempt he said he did not know how to slither like a snake... we should choose another animal.  Needless to say I was so worried if I slithered like a snake I would never live it down as I have never been able to live down my squid imitation!!!!

We were eating popsicles, he had a brain freeze and said," I am going to wait till my popsicle gets warm!!

He had me help him with going to the potty.  One morning as he is going poop he says, "My poop is quiet today!!!  I couldn't stop laughing!!!

"I just like a couple of letters". B... O... L... Y

As he is eating his popsicle, he says, " good we have two hands so we can hold 2 things!" " If we have lots of things we can use our neck!!!"

Is he just so cute!! I am sure that I could hug him too death!!!  Love that cute guy!

He is his goggy, his security, when he has him by the neck, or wrapped in his goggy blanket it is the cutest thing you have seen!

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