Monday, August 20, 2012

Tell Tale Signs

When all the kids come here for Sunday dinners, they always help with the clean-up afterwards.  I have always been very grateful for the help.  Yesterday was no exception.  All the kids helped with the meal and clean-up! Thank you.

But I will at times look around the home and see telltale signs that the little ones have been here.

I will see things like this green ball in my vase.

This little cup in the corner...

This fierce guy on the carpet in the living room.

And how cute are all these numbers?!    I think I see an M or is it an A, I realize it is M&A
 heading one of the columns, Do I see a C & K on the other.

I think Mabel and Abby were a team, and Connor and Kate must have been a team in some game!!!!

These little token remnants and evidence of your being here make me smile and smile!!!!!

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