Sunday, September 16, 2012

Neighborhood in Manhattan

When you take the exit off the freeway to Manhattan this is the first thing you see.

All the grates in town had these custom grates around the trees.  Russ noticed as all the holes for the trees varied in size.  Now the town wasn't too large so I am not sure how many of these grates we are talking about!

This was a woodcarving shop. Russ visited. I looked through the windows on a day they were not open.

Charming bench side.

Charming artsy front entrances to some neighborhood homes.

A small structure next to a home, again I think just a structure from the past preserved.

This was the side of a church that was across the street from where we stayed.  It had much activity on the Sunday we were there.

This structure was outside our front door.  It was in between buildings.  I think it was preserved for its charm not function.

We loved our stay in Manhattan.

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