Saturday, October 20, 2012

Walnuts in my Yard

Every year our squirrels harvest walnuts for the winter.  They always hide them in the pine trees.  Those large pine trees fell in the storm of a year ago.
I was humored to see this walnut hidden in my small decorative bush in the front yard a couple of days ago.

Our large Walnut tree in the back yard.  If you look close you can see Russ on his knees
picking up fallen nuts.

When we are smart we have the grandkids fill up buckets of these fallen nuts when they are here.
The fallen nuts kill the grass if they are left on the ground.
The walnut has some chemical it emits that kills the grass.

These are the three stages of nuts you find on the ground.
They start with the green covering, that then dries to brown, and when completely dry falls off the walnut, revealing the nut looking familiar.

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