Friday, January 17, 2014

Behind the Times

I have accumulated a few extra eggs from my chickens the last couple of days.
They are such good layers!  Great chickens, great eggs, I just have a little excess right now.

So I was going to do some baking today, to use up some extra eggs. The day got away from me, and I haven't baked yet.  I decided to google  "freezing eggs"  just to see if it is possible to store this excess for use later.

At my age I am often feeling like I am behind the times.   That is okay with me because I would often choose to be behind the times on many things.

I do use Google like my right arm to find out info on every topic possible.

I do occasionally watch a UTube video to learn something.

But today I was so innocent in asking can I freeze my eggs.

It never crossed my mind that I would receive responses about freezing human female eggs!!!

When fertility sites came up it took me just a minute to compute why??  I couldn't even wrap my mind around it at first I was so surprised.

It has given me a chuckle ever since!!!!!

For any with my same interest in knowing if you can freeze chicken eggs, the answer YES.
If you want to know the details... google freezing eggs...

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