Thursday, January 2, 2014

Kaylie and Adam Brought Home their Baby

Little Wren was born on Dec. 23, 2013.  She had a rough delivery and ended up being transported to a Children's hospital in Boston.  There she lie drug induced coma for several days while a respirator breathed for her.  She weighed 7# 3 oz.  So I am sure in the NICU she looked like the healthy one.  Looks are often deceiving. Unable to hold her, Adam and Kaylie could touch her.
They gave her touches of love and concern, and on Christmas day little Wren turned a corner.  The doctors told them that later...

On January 1, 2014 they were able to leave the NICU and take baby Wren home.  One of the nurses that cared for baby Wren said, "Babies with her condition don't get better this quickly!!"
What great news for this little family!!!

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