Friday, June 27, 2014

Some Fun with Grandma

Carson, Abby, Kate and Grandma
went down to Boondocks, while Grandpa
stayed home while Thomas had his nap.

Thomas napped the whole time we were gone!
Love it when he doesn't realize he was left behind!!

Kate on one bumper boat and me on another with Carson as my passenger.  We went at each other with our sprayers...  Yes we were quite wet when we finished.  Thanks to Abby for our photos.  She stayed behind and took pictures!!!

Some bowling action from Carson...

Some bowling action from Kate...

Kate helping and cheering on Carson...

And some action from Abby!!!

I tell you what.  There was a lot of sensory  overload going on for me.  They had the disco ball moving, the music up load and the TV's in the background.  It was overload for me, Abby loved it!!!
The two others loved bowing.  It got quite rowdy with the whole Davis high School Football team using the 15 lanes next to ours. 

We had a fun time at Boondocks today. Thanks kiddos!!!!

Let's see who has more fun...R&L in Africa or their kiddos at home!!!!

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