Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter continues

The sun has been replaced with a Spring drizzle.

The Easter feeling still hangs in the air though. Maybe through memories of yesterdays gatherings.

I planned no dessert. Originally I had three desserts on my menu. I came to the clarity Easter Candy can be the dessert. By the dinner hour enough Easter candy has been consumed it no longer seems the choice for dessert we are now on to different and variety.

So I went back to my original plan of making cream puffs. This time everyone had to wait for the finished project. The combining, cooking, baking and cooling of the puff.

The cooling happened quickly and we soon had filled chocolate covered puffs. One taste and what are we doing with forks!

Oh yea Now THAT was worth waiting for!!! I think I got all the chocolate off the top! And that cream. man that cream!!!!

Yes Easter is still in our hearts. 

Hoping to stay poignant the whole Year!!!!

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