Friday, April 29, 2011

Two Brothers

I had a great time down with the two new brothers, Bennett and Ryan.

Bennett is a very sweet older brother. He looks for a rattle to give to Ryan when Ryan his new little brother  cries.

Ryan is a dear little brother. He is very alert with his eyes watching. He won my heart this morning when I would bet money he smiled at me!!!  He was looking right at me when he smiled twice!  He knows how to have his grandma wrapped around his finger for life!!!

Honestly even if he hadn't done that smiling with me he would as all my grandkids have me wrapped around their fingers.  Each grandchild is so incredibly precious to us.

Bennett is quite the little man. He has decided his name is "you". It only makes sense he has been called you forever, as you and I have been called you!

Bennett knows numbers, letters, colors and he is you.

I have to pay attention when he says "You missed it" " You get it" "You try again" he of course is meaning"Bennett get it" "Bennett try again" and Bennett missed it".

I loved sharing time with your little family Nate & Becky. Thanks for letting me come and help, if help is the right word, it was such a treat for me!

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