Saturday, May 7, 2011


Today was a great day for gardening.

I put on my gardening shoes and headed out to the front flower beds.

It was cool in the morning. Russ and I worked out front adding mulch to our front flower beds.
Russ had taken a trailer and filled it with mulch.  Upon returning he parked the trailer on the front lawn next to the flower beds.

We filled buckets with the mulch and then distributed the mulch throughout the beds.  It looks wonderful. Notice the purple pansies?!

The flat of pansies filled in the front 2 beds.

I will get a couple of other types of flowers to add to the other beds. The rest of the beds have perennial varieties of flowers.

Later in the day I was sewing downstairs and look what I saw.
Years ago I was in Holland with my family.  We saw the locals wearing wooden shoes and thought they were great.  The farmers at that time wore these in their fields, I don't know if they do today. I think they have for many many years. These wooden shoes are hand carved in the inside of them. They are surprisingly comfortable.

My family bought us 6 children wooden shoes to wear too. We thought they were so cool!  This is the actual shoe I wore then.

Now look again at the shoes I wore in my garden today.

A classic style can't be beat, I guess.

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