Thursday, May 26, 2011

One Day

One day in a flower garden.

One day in a flower garden is a long time.
One day creates many changes in a flower garden.
Growth, new growth, change and more change all happen in one day in a flower garden.

One day in a garden sometimes includes birth, life and death all in one day.

It is fasinating that plants can grow so quickly. Bloom exquisite blooms, shine for the day and then be gone.

One day in a  flower garden provides so much pleasure.  So much pleasure for the one who looks and notices.  One must look and watch and notice because if you don't you will miss the beauty the fleeting beauty that each day provides us in a  flower garden.

This morning in my garden, overcast skies and cool weather changed mid morning and the sun came in for the day warming things up...

With all the right conditions look what was in my garden this evening.

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