Sunday, July 24, 2011

Dragonflies, dragonflies and even more dragonflies!!!

Russ experienced a day like I had the other day when I mowed my lawn in dragonfly heaven!

Russ walks up in the hills surrounding our home on Sunday mornings.  He takes Zoe and they go up in the foothills.  He usually brings home photos or objects from his walk to share.  I love it.

A dragonfly hitched a ride for awhile he said!

Today he said the dragonflies were out in force!! You can see Russ is still learning to use our camera too!!  He said the camera doesn't know what to focus on!!! ( that is my problem too!!!)

Last week Russ only had his phone for photo taking on his walk.  But did he ever see the treasure last week.

A baby hawk.  It kept its wings out like this as though he couldn't fold up those long things!!

He is pretty cute though!

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