Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday's Find

On their way into the house for dinner tonight, Abby and Kate come in with a real find.

They found this little egg as they got out of their car and were walking into the house.
It is the beautiful blue robin egg color. It is like our robin eggs that were in our nest in the Spring.

We were proud of their eagle eyes in finding the egg!

We all went out and investigated where it may have fallen from. We found a nest in a tree quite close by.

The egg seemed to have a whole in it like a bird begins to peck a hole when it is beginning to hatch.
All the kids were fascinated carrying this egg around!!

Of couse it was even before dinner that the egg had it's demise!!

We learned from Connor that it didn't have a baby bird in it because it wasn't from a Daddy bird!!!

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