Friday, January 13, 2012


Today is Friday the 13th.

Russ and I were married on Friday the 13th.
We were married on Jan. 13th, thirty four years ago!!

It is hard to believe that 34 years have passed since that Friday the 13th 34 years ago.  It certainly was not a bad day like the superstitious think it is.  We are not superstitious in any way.  We thought that Friday the 13th was a good day.  It was a good day today and all the days in the 34 years we have spent together.

Russ makes it easy to be married for 34 years. He has been a good husband.  He is always positive with me.  He supports me in all I do and enjoy doing.

He has taught me alot and I am happy to celebrate our 34 years!!!

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