Monday, January 2, 2012

Cowboy Grub in SLC

We had a nice gathering at Cowboy Grub with all the Clark's that could join us. Oma and Opa were there, Matt and Shannon & family, Steve and Karen & family, Ajay and Angie and new little June, with all of our kids and family.

It turned out to be a good location for all of us to gather.

We enjoyed seeing and visiting with everyone...   our reservation was for 34, our numbers would have about doubled if PK's family had been able to join us!!

Add Susi's family too and it would have been more than doubled! Just for my own information I have just counted up and unless I have missed someone, with Kolt and Syndey's new babies soon to join us, Oma and Opa have a family of 68! No, that would be 69 with Sarah and Tom's new one included.

69 Oma and Opa you should be proud!!

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