Monday, August 18, 2014

Exercising with the Clark's

When Oma and I finished getting our suits on in the locker room.  Dad had already walked down to the pool with out us.
We had all exercised in the fitness room.

As I came out of the locker room.  I heard music.  I thought they have a lovely PA system I don't remember hearing music before.

Then I became a little more conscious to the music and I recognized the songs my Dad plays.
He had walked down to the social room and was playing the piano.
I can't tell you how lovely it was...

I was so happy to realize he was comfortable to play there!

Our hot tub had no bubbles today:(
We sat in there non-the-less.  It loosens our muscles after the fitness machines.

The pool is so lovely.  The water is always perfect temp., sparkly clean and refreshing.

I love the sky light window above.  I lay on my back and float staring out the window.  Most days there have been clouds.  Today the sun was shining brightly in from the window.

It has become a very enjoyable time exercising with Oma and Opa!

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