Thursday, September 1, 2011

And it was a Great Day!!

It started with a great helper!!

Then we had an artist workshop going on...

complete with a gallery showing!

Both of the little ones love to stand at the window and watch for Zoe!
Carson loves the same toy as Bennett.. Zoe's ball thrower. Carson was showing considerable golfing skills with this toy!

When cousins and water get together on a hot day look out!!! A little mischief is sure to surface!!
What do you do when all your clothes are wet? Put the best thing next to clothes on, your aprons!!!

The  panties were not to show so don't see them.

 At this point I had to make a dress for Abby to wear to Mabel's soccer game. Abby looked mighty cute in her gunnie sack dress, photos for another day I forgot to get a picture.

For awhile in the day I had twin 1 year olds. So cute together!!!

Russ arrived and they were ready to rumble!!

 That is the end of a lovely day!! With angels asleep!!

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