Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I was driving down my street running errands today.

I looked at my neighbors yard and there are two horses right there in their front yard. These two big animals looked very out of place.  They were eating some flowers or something in the lawn.  They looked like they were very much enjoying their freedom.

At that they really even looked playful and a little mischievious! They certainly could cause trouble with the cars and the road or even pedestrians.

What do you do? Who do you call when the horses are loose?!

I returned on that same street after running errands and the horses had migrated but were being followed by a man with a lasso.  And with an audience of stopped cars!!! These two horses still looked mischievious and like they weren't going to be caught easily!!

I love living in an area where horses can get loose and be in the neighborhood. Not for the roaming horses but for the ruralness that loose horses represents!!!

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