Wednesday, December 7, 2011

And the Winds Came

And the winds came at 142 miles an hour... but only 120 mile an hour winds on record.  

That was enough wind to break trees, uproot very large trees, topple large trees,fences and take shingles off roofs.  Our neighborhood had so many large trees and fences down that it looked quite like a disaster.  Heidi's neighborhood a neighborhood by ours lost shingles from every home, had many broken windows in homes and cars from the flying debris.

It was a little eery driving down the streets looking at all the distruction.

The winds were to return a day later so the whole area worked all day Sat. and Sun. helping each other clean-up and battendown for the next round.

It was amazing to see how quickly trees were cut up & cleaned up!!!  
Tarps are evident on alot of roofs. Fences still have missing sections, but most felled trees are cleaned up. 
A few large roots still needing attention but it looks so much better it is now hard to believe that it looked so awful right after the winds subsided.

 An experience we won't forget for awhile!!

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