Sunday, December 11, 2011


My Grandchildren have been learning about patterns in school.

They have been trying to master what a pattern is.
They notice patterns around them.

They love to try to create patterns themselves.

They have an enthusiasm for patterns that is earnest.
They are thrilled to see patterns.
They show great enthusiasm when they are able to create patterns.

They make up patterns that don't exist. And are quick to tell others when they delcare a pattern that it is not a pattern.

It has become a fascination of mine, to see their fascination with what has been taught to them.

Their deep yearning for knowlege and new things has been an eye opener to me.
I applaud it totally.  I have great faith in their teachers as I see how open and wanting they are for learning.

Kids are great examples for us all.
This pattern thing has really got me to thinking.....

And as an adult I am coming to realize how very much patterns are truley of great importance!!!

Patterns of eating
Patterns of thinking
Patterns of working
Patterns of tradition
Patterns of talking
Patterns of creativitiy
Patterns of action
Patterns of reading....

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