Monday, December 12, 2011

Fresh Pine

This year is the first year in almost 20 years that we are having a fresh Christmas tree!!

We had a beautifully shaped pine go down in the front yard during the wind storm.
It is providing us a beautiful fresh Christmas Tree.

Russ is working on a stand for such a tree. It has a trunk too large for stands that we have on hand. We thought a bucket could be the trees base.  Our buckets are not supporting this large tree well.  So Russ is creating a stand for the tree.  He has just headed down to the barn to cut some wood he has measured and marked for the stand.

I am crossing my fingers it will work, easily and quickly here.  Russ has worked so hard over the last week I would like this not to be another large project for him.

Our home smells unbelievable... I do not remember that our live trees in the past have ever smelled so heavenly!!  The strong pine smell is just permeating the whole house.  I don't know if I have forgotten how wonderful fresh trees smell or if this is such a fresh tree that has just had its trunk sawed that the pine smell is just pouring from it?!  I am thinking that we have really missed something with our reusable Christmas tree.

It is fun to begin to look like Christmas in the house.  We have no snow outside and so it is hard to feel too much like Christmas yet.

I have enjoyed Christmas music and that does put me in the spirit of Christmas!

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