Thursday, July 5, 2012


I love these fan genealogy sheets!!  I haven't seen one printed this large, I love it!!

A game to help us identify our relatives!!  Or see how well we know them!

All of the families with all of their children.  The photos can be a taken off the posters and the name of the person is under the photo.  They can then be put back on as they have felcro on the back of the photos.  My hope was that we could become more familiar with who belongs to who!!

The little ones were to come and sit at Grandma and Grandpa's knees.  My Grandkids sat at my knees, and on my lap.

Russ did a great job leading the meeting.

Some of the great grandchildren jumped up to help Grandma hold pictures as she told stories.

We had a lovely family meeting with all.  Heidi was trying to match up all of Grandma & Grandpa's children in order with their spouses, she had 2 twelve year old helpers.  It was a little stumping to them!!

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