Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I love to hear the piano played.
I loved when my children were home and played the piano.

My Dad has always played a piano when I was growing up.
We had his families Steinway piano in our living room and I loved hearing it played.

He traded that piano for this piano years ago.

I love love love to hear him play.  He plays by ear.
He has a lovely repertoire of music he plays.

I will have to find the names of the songs he plays and list them in this blog when I do.  When ever I hear his music I am taken back to so many years of hearing him play his piano.

I have been setting up their new condo in SLC and took this photo of his piano there today.

There were three years (years ago)  that this piano graced my living room while they served a 3 year mission in Kenya Africa,  for our  church,  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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