Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I have never gone in the chicken coop when my chickens have roosted for the night.
I peeked in tonight and this is what I saw.
All the chickens on the top roost.

Looks like my camera flash has the chickens waking...
It is funny to see them all snuggled in there.
I have to say that walking down to the coop tonight, it was honestly COLD!!!

They must be warmer snuggled tight together all on the same row.
If you notice though they don't all face the same direction.  
Some of the chickens are roosted forward facing and the others are facing the wall.

I wonder about the order the chickens are in.  Only I would notice my smallest chicken is in the middle. 
I wonder if they have a sleeping buddy.  Do they always sleep next to the same chicken or in the same place?

I will go down tonight and check these chickens out again to answer some of my questions!!

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