Saturday, November 9, 2013

14 Egg Day

14 eggs gathered tonight.

This poor brooding chicken.  She sits in the nesting boxes all day and night.  In the day she is sitting on eggs.  When I gather the eggs out from under her, she still stays in the nesting box all night.
Poor thing, nobody has told her I have no Roosters.  None of my eggs are fertilized.  She can sit there all the time, and none of my eggs will hatch into chicks.

I have never had a brooding chicken before, with any of my other chickens.  She lets me pet her every time I reach under her, to gather the eggs she is sitting on.
I quite like her.

The chickens starting to roost tonight.

Looking in the coop from the outside.  There is a light in their coop now, to give them longer days.  If they don't have enough light, they will stop laying their eggs.

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