Friday, August 12, 2011

Another Good Day

I got to spend time with this cute girl today.
Carson and Kate both spent time on the horse but without a photo!

When you are in the shopping mood let me tell you the best shop to visit....

This is the best shop in town. One note of caution, please note the signs. Be sure to note whether the open or closed sign is hanging. This will save you alot of trouble.

Now let me tell you about this wonderful, helpful, shop owner.

She loves her job, she is good at it. She is helpful, she will hold your children for you when you shop. She always gives you a punch card on your purchase. She takes cash, credit card, several credit cards, half cash half card, she will work out a way for you to purchase what you need.

Now let me tell you about the shops cash register.
This register is amazing, I quite llike the way it thinks. Give it $1.00 and it will give you a $10.00 in return. Or a $20.00 if you are lucky!!!

Our babies were amazing today. All 9,10? of them.
They slept through and were content through all our shopping trips and outings!!

You just couldn't have a better day!

Sorry no photos of you today Carson. I should have gotten you in your stripped PJ's when I arrived this morning, that was a cute picture.  You were napping when the camera came out today! 

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