Sunday, August 7, 2011


The kids all wanted to go to Spirit Lake to camp this year.

We have visited Spirit Lake on many a vacation while they were young. They have many fond memories of Spirit Lake.

We have gone to Spirit Lake because it is near Grandpa and Grandma Smith's ranch.  Russ spent his summer's up at their ranch when he was growing up. He and his brothers would all head up to their Grandparents ranch and run it for the summer. Russ did this every summer starting at age 12.

Spirit Lake is just up from the ranch. As we drove up to the lake we took photos of the ranch. It has long since been sold.

Well this blog was to show preparations for the journey. I thought it too long of  post to do the camping and prep all together. soo..

This is a portion of the items that were packed and  taken up with us camping.
These are the vehicle used to take all that equipment up camping!  Now it makes me ask myself "How did we take any kids with us when we had a family that had to go up with us too?! These vehicles were packed with equipment no bodies but Russ and I!!"

This is our destination "Spirit Lake"

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