Monday, January 2, 2012

Simple Christmas Decor

This year our wind storm came and with all the clean-up invloved with that, we opted to not get down all of our Christmas decor from the eaves in the garage.(our attic)

So the windstorm provided us with our Christmas tree, so prickly we had lights on it and large white paper snowflakes I enjoyed cutting out and sticking in the trees branches..  It was really beautiful in simplicity, dispite how easy it was to decorate.

Having beautifully wrapped gifts under our tree early this year added alot to our simple festive decor.

Nate and Becky brought poinsettias the week before Christmas to our family dinner, they then added much decor to our living room...

A lovely card recieved put in a gifted frame added a nice touch of our Savior, before we did get out our nativity.

The cabinets in the family room were the other location of decor this year...

Aside from our beautiful tables for varied
 dinners during the holidays these simple decorations provided
our home with festive atmosphere.

We had a great holiday this year!! We have many happy memories in our minds of the last few weeks.
Thanks to everyone who came over and stopped by with holiday wishes.

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