Saturday, August 31, 2013

One Fine Day Fishing

R&R&A&C  all went fishing together last night, up in Heber...

Looks like one great evening fishing...

Friday, August 30, 2013

Queen of Expression

This girl is very expressive and she doesn't even need to open her mouth...

Feet Fascination

I think these feet tell a story...
They are almost as expressive as the hands or face!!!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Some Favorite Things

The Best of Us in Trouble

Zoe is the best of us.  Yes, she is kind natured, laid back most of the time, a charming playmate, ball catcher, walking companion, jogging companion and all around a delight to have around.

See these new tags?!

Signs of mischief?!

Yes,  I was gone several hours yesterday morning.  I usually have Zoe in the family room with me.  She lays on her bed mostly quiet, and companionable and almost unmentionable, unless it is a day she is almost unseen but very much smelled...

Well yesterday I made one of the two choices I make when I leave home, leave Zoe inside our let her outside in the backyard, fenced backyard.

Yesterday I chose the outside fenced backyard choice.

I got a call from Spencer when he returned home just before I was to return,  we had a "doorhanger" as the pound calls it.
It announced that our dog had been picked up and was being held at the local pet shelter.  I could find her there.

Find her there I did.  And pay to get her back I did.  But the new tags of a current rabies shot and  license renewal are evidence I did get more than my dog back for my money!!!

Impound fee--check$$
Roaming at large--check$$
Dog license renewal--check$$
Late renewal penalty--check$$

Yes we love Zoe, she is safe, back home, loved, and inside.

Dreaming Magnanimous

My parents have sold their home.

They are moving to SLC next week.

They mention the buyer of their home often.  He just knocked on their door one day and became acquainted.  He had history with my parents home.  His Grandfather or someone in his family had lived there once.  He had wonderful memories of the place.

My parents home could be a wonderful place to have memories with its, tennis court, center stage swimming pool.  I use that description of the pool because the one story rambling ranch is built around the pool.  It is a U shape home with the pool in the middle of the U. (My parents have owned the home for 12 years, have aged 12 years and have aged right out of maintaining such a place, about 5 years ago.)

They mention this buyer with fondness.  He has successfully gotten into their heart.  I think he should.  He showed up right when they had purchased another home in SLC.  They were going to contact a realtor in another week about listing their current St. George home.

The buyer has worked out deals with them or tried to work out deals with my parents on this home purchase.  My parents need the money to then pay their home in SL in full.  But some of the propositions I have heard have included a new car.  My Dad has continually made a smart choice and declined.  But the offer of a new car continues to this day. (I know, I thought the house offer was accepted and a done deal weeks ago.  The kind of offer that is specific and in contract, that would include paper and specifics in writing.)

When my Dad mentioned yesterday that this new owner brought up the new car again. ("He keeps wanting to give us a new car.")   I cringed and thought AGAIN  "I thought the sale of this house is contracted."  I am sure that it is, isn't it?

Well then my dream started to bud.  All of us children had driven our cars to St. George to help with my parents move.  I knew then I was in a dream.  All of our cars were in the circular drive in front of my parents home.  The new owner come over.   When he parked he noticed all of our cars in the driveway.  This time he had a new proposal for my Dad.   " How about if I give you new cars for ALL YOUR CHILDREN, if you do not want a new car".  What a nice magnanimous new owner of my parents home.  His family owns 3 Car Dealerships in the state apparently.(not dreaming)

I have a change of heart and would now like to meet the guy!!!

Yea I catch myself dreaming all the time, I have always been a dreamer...

Sunday, August 25, 2013

My Farm Chickens

My chickens have a new roost!!!  They have a new hen house.  It doesn't have a permanent roof yet. Or a permanent door but it has 4 walls with the chickens nesting boxes installed.

One of the small Banti Chickens is laying.  I have 5 small brown eggs that I am going to make something special with.  Soon I think they will all be laying.  This is a friendly bunch of chickens.  I talk to them when I go visit and they all come to the fence and talk away... 
They seem to not have a pecking order.  They are all very pleasant to each other.  We have always had a pecking order with our previous chickens. I am not sure perhaps they must be more mature to become more domineering.  Hopefully we will just have this pleasant bunch of chickens, that all get along together.

Cannot have a true farm without a cat slithering around the barn. This cat is called Mouse.  I think he eats mice.  Of course these mice are not of his same kind!!!!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

My Seattle Boys

My Two Cute Seattle Boys!!!!!!

Thanks for the photo!!
Looks like you are having fun!!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Train Derailed

I think I have lived long enough to have many choice experiences in my life.  Some of my choice experiences have been welcomed, sone not even wanted. Some experiences welcomed with open arms because they are immediately recognized as choice.

Other times the experiences come very unexpected and with that often not welcomed at first.
 Certainly not welcomed with open arms.  Time and perspective then allows a renewed vision of choice opportunity.

I have have had times in life when poignant emotions come with experiences. And then surprising times when there should be emotions but the fact is I haven't been able to feel many emotions.  I have thought some of those times it is a blessing to not feel too deeply.  Other times a real concern that I cannot feel very deeply.

I have often wondered if no feelings allow and buffer me so I can carry on, where if I felt too deeply it would impair movement and onward motion.

I have a firm belief that we are here on this earth for growing experiences.  I also have a firm belief that families are Eternal.

When I was derailed by family this week and found myself in a train wreck.  This time my feeling are more than poignant.  They are painful and ugly and not wanted.  I am finding I have to own these feelings, look myself in the mirror and change what I do not like that I see.

This is not easy for me.  This is a huge challenge of many years. This will require more strength than I have had to muster up in many years. I have a Savior that I will have to rely heavily on. I know it won't be tomorrow but I hope in time I  will come out of this more loving, more peaceful, more forgiving, less hurting and much more giving and looking outward.

Timetable: who knows but wish me luck, The pain I feel cannot stay with me too long or I will become immovable without forward motion.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

First Chicken Egg

Our first egg...

I put our first egg up to a white egg I had in the refrigerator.

The brown egg is so small. It must be from one of our Banti chickens.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

We Celebrated Heidi's Birthday

These girls were so excited that they each had made Heidi a special card for her Birthday....

B&R&N&B  We sure miss you when we get together!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Kate Mowed the Lawns

Kate mowed our lawns for us today!!!
It was deja vous to when our kids used to mow our lawns.

Mabel and Abby picked our GIANT Zucchini!!!

Connor worked on our new chicken coup. I will have to get a photo of the new coup.
I was watching kids in the house so did not get down to the chickens to see or take photos of the work being done down there.

We appreciate all the help today and tonight.
and all the grandkids.