Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Best of Us in Trouble

Zoe is the best of us.  Yes, she is kind natured, laid back most of the time, a charming playmate, ball catcher, walking companion, jogging companion and all around a delight to have around.

See these new tags?!

Signs of mischief?!

Yes,  I was gone several hours yesterday morning.  I usually have Zoe in the family room with me.  She lays on her bed mostly quiet, and companionable and almost unmentionable, unless it is a day she is almost unseen but very much smelled...

Well yesterday I made one of the two choices I make when I leave home, leave Zoe inside our let her outside in the backyard, fenced backyard.

Yesterday I chose the outside fenced backyard choice.

I got a call from Spencer when he returned home just before I was to return,  we had a "doorhanger" as the pound calls it.
It announced that our dog had been picked up and was being held at the local pet shelter.  I could find her there.

Find her there I did.  And pay to get her back I did.  But the new tags of a current rabies shot and  license renewal are evidence I did get more than my dog back for my money!!!

Impound fee--check$$
Roaming at large--check$$
Dog license renewal--check$$
Late renewal penalty--check$$

Yes we love Zoe, she is safe, back home, loved, and inside.

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