Friday, March 11, 2011


Oh how I love to see little ones.  They learn so quickly and try hard at so many things.

It was so fun to be down at Kate & Abby & Carson's yesterday. It is fun to see Carson's growth in weekly stages. He will be 1 year on May 1st.

He is proficient at crawling on all fours. He is determined to stand against all the furniture now. He has very good balance, so as he stands. and there isn't alot of wobbling. In fact there is no wobbling.

He was standing against furniture on the wooden floors. There was no wobble, but his little sock feet began to slip.....

His little legs soon were so sprawled out that he had to sit down. He is really proficient at the splits! These photos are only the beginning of the splits, he got way down there. Then right back up he goes.

It is always a delight to spend time with these cute, cute kids. Yesterday had such lovely weather we were able to enjoy a wonderful walk around the block several times. We then enjoyed their patio. The sidewalk chalk allowed us to map out their walk to school. We were able to take that walk many a time. We would start at their home. Walk out to a larger road complete with orange flags to walk with,( the crossing guard did a great job) and then arrive at the school. ( I am sure it was Kate's school).

Abby made wonderful images of Carson complete with his hair. Which grew all afternoon!!!

A delightful day for a Grandma!!

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