Tuesday, March 1, 2011


 One need not be in my home long before my love of baskets becomes apparent.

I have baskets to store things in. Baskets to hide things in. Baskets to organize things.

Baskets of beauty. Handmade baskets.

My first introduction to baskets came from the basket lady. I was young and living with my family in Germany.
A basket lady would come by our home. She had her bike (her mode of transportation) laden with baskets of all shapes, sizes, uses. I am sure it was quite the picture or photograph.  Too young to even know about cameras this photo stays only in my minds eye.

But I was able to buy my first basket from her and I still to this day own that basket.  The above basket has a new lining and the lining is unlike its original that was able to close at the top, hiding from view the interiors of the basket.  But this basket is my original basket. It is the firstborn of my now innumerable baskets.

The charm of a basket is never lost on me. 

This is the only one of a kind basket I have. The only handmade basket if you will. It was a gift from Kenya. I do believe that it is the earthy homespun feel of the basket that is the attraction of baskets to me. I am sure there is a story behind this one, I wish I knew the story.

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