Wednesday, March 30, 2011

School Marm

A couple of years ago I was down at the SLC Library during a time they were hosting a week highlighting Degas' Work.

I went down to the library to see the works they had and I fell in love with this school girl.

Degas is known for his Ballerinas and they are charming both in his oils of them and his few sculpted pieces but that day what I fell in love with was this school girl I had never seen before. I didn't even know she existed. I think she may be one of his only works that are not ballerinas.

Anyway I mentioned to Heidi and Anna how much I loved her.

Well a treasured gift is a surprise and something very thoughtful. These cute girls gave the school girl to me for one of my Birthday's or Mother's day I don't remember which, but I have treasured her ever since.

I love seeing her in the family room every time I look on the shelf!    Isn't she charming!!!!

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