Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I learned to love colors when years ago, my Mom a knitter, would have yarn pamphlets of yarn samples. The colors were intoxicating to me. I love, love, love to see samples of yarn colors. Every notable tint and shade under the sun.  Colors in natural wool, or natural cotton.  To this day, there is nothing more intoxicating to me!

If I ever need a creativity fix, this will do it for me. Colored yarns are able to jumpstart my creativity. 

I have had series of needlepoint enjoyment, 

 series of times of knitting enjoyment,(although I have never exceled in knitting.)

and as of late it has been crocheting that has my interest.

 I have found old yarn balls and used end pieces to make, what I think, are wonderful little eggs. With Easter on the horizon, I find these crocheted eggs very charming. They are made of cotton and wool. Again I think the natural fibers are an unmatched beauty!!!

DMC threads for embroidery and X- stitch have the ability to upstart my creativity too.

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