These alabaster replica's of Michelangelo's famous works touch my heart and grace my home daily.
One of my favorite books is The Agony and The Ecstasy by Irving Stone which portrays the challenges of this great master. I so enjoyed reading that novel.
Creativity is often like that for me I must sometimes work very hard at it but then at other times the ideas or paintings or quilting or many things I work at just flow as if from a spring of unending source.
On the latter type of days I might as well throw out all time schedules and just enjoy the day as it unfolds. I love those kind of days. Don't get me wrong because I find much solace in schedules. But equally love the days where creativity just flows!!
Becky gave me a picture of the Pieta' she took while St. Mark's Hospital had the statue in residence, of late.
It was truly stunning and awe inspiring to see one of the four exact replicas of the original Pieta' that exist in the world.
Many people get to say they went to Rome to see Michelangelo's Pieta. I get to say I saw it at St. Mark's Hospital. But then so do my grandchildren and for that I am glad we can say we have seen Michelangelo's Pieta'. I feel it is one of the wonders of the world.
It is the only carving of Michelangelo's that he put his signature on. And I have no question as to why he wanted this great work of art attributed to himself!!!
With Becky's gift I now have the Image of Mary holding the Savior in two places in my home to admire and be inspired by.
The Love of a Mother and the suffering of Our Savior is not better illustrated.
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