Friday, June 10, 2011


My rose bloomed today.

My poppy still has not bloomed.

I thought both would bloom yesterday.  But yesterday proved to be perfect Utah weather where before I could enjoy the perfect weather and Spring morning it altered with clouds coming in and wind picking up. I think it was not as warm yesterday as I thought so the blooms are slower in opening.

We went to a wedding of a neighbor tonight.  Their yard was lovely. I came home and went around our lovely yard and I will post the blooms of today.... that I found in my wanders tonight...

I then wandered the yard as the sun went down I don't think I have photos of some of our evening charm that comes out at dusk...

These solar lights add so  much charm in the evening.  Just a little sparkle here and there through out the yard.  Very inviting, very charming.

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